Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Temperature's Rising

Apparently taking time off because it's too warm is a thing in Germany. On that note, air conditioning is not a thing. (Which is really quite unfortunate) It's supposed to cool off and rain soon though, so this won't last too long. (hopefully)

With all this "free" time in the afternoon, I probably should have done something exciting, like explore the Freibad, (eventually translated to be something like an outdoor swimming pool- but HUGE) but it was so hot that I lost interest in well doing... anything.

On the data analysis front, my graphs are looking a bit better. For some reason I remain unable to get two supposedly identical frames to produce the same results. At least though, the two systems are now (mostly) internally consistent- as in all angle deflections within one model end up complementing/ cancelling correctly.

I also just finished reading my first German language for fun book. (All previous German language books have been read for classes) I was pleasantly shocked that I didn't need to use the dictionary nearly as much as I had thought. (I did need to concentrate a lot more. I would glaze over sections, realize my brain had wandered, and need to go back a few pages to re-read) While it likely doesn't help too much with my pronunciation (Eichhornchen is proving particularly difficult) I am getting a bit faster at thinking of what to say in German conversations. (yay!)

Since language improvement goes both ways, as part of the summer research, one of the other internationals is being used as an English paper correcter. Looking over professional papers and fixing grammar/spelling/translation mistakes is weird. Looking over your supervisor's paper is really weird. It also tests your own understanding of English. (A lot of the time we came across sentences that were really awkward sounding, but maybe not technically incorrect)

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