Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I can't always be breaking my brain over frustrating partial derivatives, so in my limited amount of free time I break my brain over puzzles instead. This type of stretching my brain, however, I find much more enjoyable.

To help prepare for a puzzle hunt that my dorm will host during REX, I've been test solving puzzles. For people who aren't familiar with puzzle hunts, the puzzles are mostly logic and word puzzles grouped together in rounds such that the answers from a round together form a "meta puzzle" and then together meta puzzle answers lead to a final overall answer to the puzzle hunt. The idea is to reach this final answer before anyone else. I've participated in hunts since high school, but this will be the first time I'm helping to run a hunt. While I think solving the puzzles is still more fun than writing them, helping to run has it's benefits too... like plotting the demise.. er I mean coming up with enigmatic puzzles to solve.

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