Monday, June 17, 2013

And So the Work Continues

Yea, not much of anything happened today. I spent a lot of time trying to compute rotation matrices in my head. It was not particularly successful. (Pro Tip: Human checking of computer calculations is painful. It should be avoided at all costs)

Another pro tip: German keyboards are weird. (they do silly things like switch the 'y' and 'z' keys, shift ( )s left by one key, and add extra keys for their fancy dotted letters (these dots ¨ in case you didn't know)) Since the keyboard is weird you should find the (probably already installed) software that changes confused German keyboards into English ones. So many less headaches and typos.   

In other news, groceries are still really cheap (compared to the US). Maybe this is why they all have the money to buy water. Unfortunately, books remain a bit expensive. I guess for someone like me, it'll all even out.

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